Comprehensive Waste Management

We approach every challenge with a strategic mindset and are committed to creating innovative and effective solutions for reducing waste and increasing recycling rates. We believe that sustainability can be both practical and fun.


Hamtramck Recycling’s manual sort station is a key component in the company’s efforts to recycle a wide range of materials efficiently and effectively. At the sort station, trained workers manually sort through incoming recyclables, separating them by type and grade. This process is important for ensuring that the materials are clean and suitable for use as inputs in the production of new goods. Once the materials have been sorted, they are sent to manufacturers that use recycled materials in their production processes. The manual sort station at Hamtramck Recycling plays a vital role in the company’s efforts to reduce waste, improve resource efficiency, and lower the overall environmental impact of manufacturing. It is a testament to the company’s commitment to sustainability and its dedication to providing high-quality recycled materials to its customers.


A fast waste transfer process is crucial for efficient waste management, but it must also prioritize safety. Utilizing advanced equipment and streamlined procedures Hamtramck recycling and transfer station can expedite the transport of waste from collection points to disposal facilities. By prioritizing both speed and safety, Hamtramck Recycling can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and create a cleaner and safer environment for all.


At Hamtramck Recycling, we offer comprehensive hauling and mobile recycling options to make it easier for our customers to recycle their materials. Our hauling services include pick-up and delivery of a wide range of recyclable materials, including cardboard, paper, plastic, metal, and more. Our experienced team of professionals provides customized solutions and waste stream analysis to help our customers identify opportunities for improvement and cost savings. We are committed to promoting responsible resource management and environmental stewardship by providing high-quality recycled materials to manufacturers and other businesses. 


At Hamtramck Recycling, we offer comprehensive commodity brokerage services to help businesses maximize the value of their recycled materials. Our experienced team of professionals has in-depth knowledge of the recycling industry, and we work closely with our customers to provide market insights, risk management, and hedging strategies to ensure they get the best possible prices for their recycled commodities. We facilitate the buying and selling of a wide range of recyclable materials, including cardboard, paper, plastic, metal, and more, and we maintain strong relationships with manufacturers and other businesses that rely on these materials for their operations. With Hamtramck Recycling’s commodity brokerage services, our customers can rest assured that their recycled materials are being managed in a professional and sustainable way, and that they are getting the best possible return on their recycling investment.

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